Mads and I woke up at 8:00am and I started to pack. Beth and JohnMiller had left early in the morning to get to the South so I would be meeting them later. Mads was staying on for a couple more days in Delhi, as were Sue and Bryan. Dom had one more night in Delhi before going to see a friend in Mumbai. And Dylan and Jess were flying to Paris that night. We had breakfast at 9:00am and Raj suggested itineraries for the others and booked my taxi for 10:30am. The others headed off into Delhi at 10:00am, so I said all my goodbyes and waited for the taxi. Unfortunately I'd ran out of cash and had hoped to get some on the way to the airport. So when the taxi arrived and asked for payment I had to run around the corner for cash, which meant I was late for the taxi and a sweaty flustered mess by the time I got in it. It's weird leaving a group of people who you have seen every day for three weeks, and not in the same way that you see colleagues every day. These are people who you essentially socialise with non stop, live in close quarters with and travel with. Mads and Beth for example, I shared bedrooms and bathrooms with. And being in the taxi on the way to the airport, I felt a little alone. The taxi driver soon interrupted my thoughts and we discussed England. He had watched a programme about England and was impressed with our roads. The lanes, the lack of horns, the rules and regulations that were adhered to when driving, no cattle and the cleanliness. He was lovely, and quick too. My flight was at 2:10pm and I got to the airport at 11:30am. A quick check in and security process and I am in the departure lounge by 12:05pm…it's after midday and I'm a Brit abroad AND I'm at an airport which means only one thing. Beer. I find a bar, take a seat, order a beer and work on the blog. While I'm typing the bar music distracts me. It's Khia – My Neck, My Back. Uncensored. In full. I burst out laughing. Sat to the left of me were two middle aged Indian men, infront of me two younger Indian couples and to my right a young Indian couple with an adorable baby boy who was running riot and picking up people's drinks. They were all oblivious. After an hour I head toward my departure gate, grabbing a coffee and pastry on the way. I sit at the gate, 37B, scoffing my pastry and dusting off the icing sugar and sprinklings of fallen pastry from my chest, and shortly after a pair of beautiful South African girls sit infront of me. Toned, tanned and naturally beautiful, and make up free, in tight-comfy clothes, carrying bags containing yoga mats, eating nuts. I look at them, look at my chocolate twirl and take a massive bite while turning my music up. After four delay announcements and a gate change, the flight ended up being delayed two and half hours, we were airborne and headed for Trivandrum. A plane change at Bangalore- where they make you get on a shuttle bus, wait for it to fill up and drive 50 feet to drop you at next doors plane. And I land at Trivandrum at 9:15pm. With no per arranged taxi this time- I'm a big girl now, I head to pre-paid taxi queue and off we go to the hotel. Granted it was night time by then, but already I noticed the roads were cleaner, road markings more distinct, less cattle and considerably quieter. Bell boys wearing bow ties greeted me at the hotel and by 10:00pm I was in my room, the recipient of a big hug from a lonely Beth. I'd missed the briefing so Beth told me about Chandra, our tour guide for South, and James, a new character for my blog. There's only the four of us doing South; Beth, James, JohnMiller and me. Funny thing; when leaving the briefing meeting JohnMiller turned to Beth in the elevator and said ‘it's a good thing James isn't weird’…